About us
The Full Story
The Mineral resource like cobalt wich make the battery of newer car or electrical car,is the primary cause of war in the Democratic Republic of Congo, especially in the East, has placed the population in conditions of increased vulnerability at the risk of compromising the harmony and peaceful coexistence of communities and young people without luck of education because of the instability of the country.
On March 26, 2020, Just right before COVI 19 during my first tour through some villages in the Uvira Teritory, South-kivu befor I came back to the USA, I became aware of the indescribable misery in which the population of Uvira was floundering. I took the happy initiative of creating a non-profit organization to provide solutions to education, social and economic problems experienced daily by this population. Because, since the advent of the wars of 1996 until now, these villages (environments) have experienced the misfortune of being
the cradle of wars and have long been the stronghold of armed gangs, with all the unfortunate
consequences, including: the massive displacement of populations from villages to major town
and neighboring countries; the looting of agro-pastoral resources, rape and violence perpetrated against women and girls, malnutrition, the spread of HIV/AIDS and the disruption of seasons (agricultural losses). This situation, which lasted for several years, made several households vulnerable and therefore unable to meet the basic needs of their members.
CEJDU asbl (nonprofit organization) pays attention to people with specific needs, youth and adults' education, empowerment of women, Humanitarians emergency, and community health and development.