Centre d'Encadrement des Jeunes pour le Développement d'Uvira R.D. Congo

Our Mission
CEJDU ASBL is committed to improving the well-being of youth and communities they live in through impactful projects that address various social, economic challenges.
Our Vision​
Our vision is to create prosperous communities where youth is well-equipped, trained, and inspired to address daily challenges with courage, dedication, and leadership.
Our goals ​
- Empower by next 5 years, 500 young people with educational tools and resources that transform their learning.
- Fight misleading behaviors and practices that hinder youth potential and future especially young girls and boys
- Reduce by 50% youth poverty in areas we operate by lowering unemployment rate through income-generating activities and projects
- Provide support and needed training in financial literacy and management skills to 200 youth in next 5 years.
- Train 250 people with trade and practical handy skills that make them useful workers in local economy and market.
- Build a stronghold of principles, values, ethics, and rules that youth have to respect to build trust, promote dialogue, and common ground in addressing problems without violence.
the world where all people are inspired to do what inspire them. Develop and contributing the sustainably lives in Congolese society.
We accomplish our mission through the creation of jobs and income-generating micro-projects, with a focus on sustainability and inclusivity.
We aim to create a positive difference in the lives of individuals and families. Create vibrant space for young and marginalize people where they can develop the necessary skills, utilize opportunities and receive support and guidance to thrive.